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As a video storyteller, I focus on pairing compelling stories with captivating visuals.


Below, you'll find my favorite videos I've done for jobs, freelance clients

and personal projects.

Lakeview + Open Holland

A recap of the Lakeview Park Renovation.


Video Production Intern for the City of Holland.

75% film, 100% edit

Announcement about Downtown Holland businesses reopening after the pandemic.


Video Production Intern for the City of Holland.

100% film, 100% edit

Tulip + Rebecca

A virtual tour of Tulip Lanes in Holland, Michigan. Due to COVID-19, tourists relied on videos to bring Tulip Time traditions to them.


Video Production Intern for the City of Holland.

100% film, 100% edit

A profile story about Rebecca Pabon, a student buyer for the Mizzou Store and in-house boutique.


Videographer for Mizzou's Student Affairs Department.

100% film, 100% edit

Gavin + SW 2021

A profile story about Gavin Spoor, a popcorn farmer and full-time student at the University of Missouri. 


Videographer for Mizzou's Student Affairs Department.

50% film, 100% edit

An informational video about Mizzou programs that is shown at summer orientation to all incoming students.


Videographer for Mizzou's Student Affairs Department.

25% film, 100% edit, 100% script writing

Student Employee + Buick

A welcome video that all University of Missouri student employees watch in the onboarding process.


Videographer for Mizzou's Student Affairs Department.

75% film, 100% edit, 100% script writing

A mock Buick commercial to learn the basics of drone videography.


Student work for an independent study course.

*I am not drone certified, but that is one of my goals for the future!

100% film, 100% edit

Pathology + 2020 Recap

A recruitment video for a residency program at MU hospital. This was my first official freelance project that I did completely on my own.


Freelance project for MU School of Medicine's Pathology & Anatomical Sciences Residency Program.

100% film, 100% edit

A recap of 2020: a semester abroad, a summer at home and the first half of senior year.


Passion project.

100% film, 100% edit

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